Our school is situated in the district of Handsworth, Birmingham.
St. Augustine’s is a one-form entry school within the Parish of Saint Augustine, catering for children in the 3 to 11 year age range.
Children are grouped in each of the eight classes from Nursery to Year 6 according to age. Teaching is on a class basis. We have several initiatives that involve targeting small groups of pupils for Literacy and Numeracy plus arts’ activities where pupils work with a range of providers.
At St. Augustine’s, we believe that each child is made in the image and likeness of God. All members of our community work together to develop and celebrate the uniqueness of each child. All pupils are encouraged ‘to be the best you can be.’
Our school was opened in 1908 to serve the growing Catholic population in the area. At that time, there was no parish church and Mass was celebrated in what is now our Year 1 classroom. The original cross can still be seen on the roof.
Many changes and developments have taken place over the last 100 years and we have been privileged to celebrate our centenary. Our celebrations were opened during a visit from Archbishop Vincent Nichols in May 2008 during which he blessed a memorial plaque. Celebrations were completed with a visit from Archbishop Bernard Longley in February 2010. During this latter visit, Archbishop Longley blessed a special piece of art work which had been created by the children in memory of Saint Augustine.
St. Augustine’s has a long history of success and this has been verified by complimentary Religious Education and Ofsted reports on an ongoing basis.
Admissions are guided by the criteria agreed with the Archdiocese of Birmingham and Birmingham City Council.
Our intake reflects the cultural and ethnic diversity of our catchment area and we have a high percentage of pupils whose first language is not English. Our staffing appointments reflect the needs of the pupils in terms of cultural and linguistic backgrounds.